Monday, February 25, 2013

The "Company Doctor"

Don't get stuck with a doctor that works for the Employer rather than his patient!  We can help!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mississippi Workers' Compensation Commission E-filing?

Many Mississippi attorneys and claimants have been asking when and if MWCC will look to fully implement an e-filing system.  While e-filling in federal courts has become common practice, other Mississippi state courts are still playing catch up as the move to e-filling catches fire.  E-filing is being phased into many Chancery Courts throughout the state.  As for MWCC, while a partial e-filling system has been in place for some documents in Mississippi comp cases, a full fledged e-filling system seems to still be in the future.  There has been tremendous interest by both practitioners as well as court personnel towards advancing the idea and implementation of a complete e-filling system for all comp cases.  As is often the case, the hard working officials at MWCC as well as attorneys who focus their practices on handling comp cases will continue to push towards an e-filling system in an effort to streamline comp cases in the magnolia state.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Major Changes in the Workers' Compensation Laws of Mississippi

The Chairman of the Mississippi Workers' Compensation Commission has released a video discussing the radical changes in the laws of the state.  These new rules will affect nearly every worker, particularly workers who might be wrongfully denied a workers' comp claim.


Pollan Dobbs, PLLC can walk your case through every aspect of the new rules and work to make sure you're not shut out of the system.  Give us a call on the hotline for the assistance you need.  888.931.COMP (2667)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Misti Bryant and The Sweet Swine O'Mine BBQ Team

Our associate attorney Misti Bryant is more than a legal shark, she's part of the Sweet Swine O'Mine BBQ Team!  Check out their Facebook Page and give them a "Like".  The all-female grilling team fights cancer by smoking and kicking butts at Hogs for the Cause!  Everyone should check out Hogs for the Cause and see a great organization.

Now, if only we could get some of the 'practice' BBQ up here for lunch...