Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tennessee Bar Journal Cautions Against Reckless New Workers' Comp Laws

The Tennessee Bar Journal has published an article by David H. Dunaway concerning proposed new changes in TN Workers' Compensation Law.  Even the the Program's biggest supporters admit a minimum $600,000 increase in costs before factoring in new support staff and logistics--all to handle the current workload.  Dunaway adds:

From 2004, until 2011, there has been a 71% reduction in the litigation of workers’ compensation claims. This also means that the Insurance Industry has saved 71% of its previous costs. One can hardly say that the Court system is awry. Additionally, since 2004, workers’ compensation disability benefits have also been reduced by 40% across the board. Now the out­of-state consultants who have recommended the current administration’s draft reform have created an unprecedented amount of rulemaking, and have quietly placed the costs of the administration of workers’ compensation benefits on the backs of the taxpayers, for the benefit of the insurance industry through which these costs were previously paid. 
No honest conservative can look at a 71% reduction in litigation and a 40% reduction in benefits paid and then claim this new law is the "answer".  Creating a new taxpayer funded bureaucracy that costs more and does a worse job protecting workers benefits one group:  The Insurance Industry.  

Contact your Tennessee legislator today and tell them to vote NO on new government agencies to help insurance companies while taxpayers pick up the tab!