Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Employers without Workers' Comp Coverage can Face Serious Penalties.

Employers can pay a high price for ignoring workers' compensation rules.

Workers' Compensation coverage, or some similar policy for injured workers, is required for nearly every job in the United States.  Some employers try to avoid their legal obligations by avoiding their Workers' Compensation coverage completely. Many employers don't realize this opens their business to large unnecessary liability, fines and even jail.
Chicago, IL ( - Another uninsured employer has pled guilty to a Class 4 felony for refusing to obtain workers' compensation insurance. John Linek, individually and as President of SMS Logistics of Chicago, has been ordered to pay a $10,000 penalty for refusing to obtain workers compensation insurance. The IWCC's Insurance Compliance Unit had been requesting compliance with the Act from this trucking firm since 2010.