Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Should I do When I'm Hurt on the Job?

So you've been hurt on the job.  What do you do?  Here are some easy steps to follow:

  1. Tell your employer immediately.  
  2. Ask your supervisor to complete an accident report.
  3. Seek medical care.  Going sooner rather than later can keep small problems from getting bigger!
  4. Avoid "the company doctor".  SPECIAL NOTE:  Some employers are known to have a 'company doctor'.  These doctors get their nickname because they tend to work for the company's benefit--not yours.  Avoid these doctors.  Your employer cannot lawfully force you to attend their choice of doctor.  If they try, call us immediately.
  5. Use your normal Family Doctor unless you need emergency room care.
  6. Always inform your doctor that you have a workplace injury.
  7. Never leave the doctor without your work-status in writing.  This is a doctor's note taking you off work and/or a list of your restrictions.  
  8. Contact your employer as soon as possible with your work status report.  SPECIAL NOTE:  This is YOUR responsibility under the law! You must inform your employer if the doctor has taken you off work duty or allow them to accommodate your light duty requirements.
  9. Avoid working beyond your doctor's restrictions at home or on the job.
  10. Watch for your first "comp check" or "temporary total disability" (TTD).  It should arrive after your first 14 days off work.  If it hasn't, something is going wrong.

LAST:  Call Us! 

These are just the basics and each case is different.  Whether you feel you're being treated well or you're concerned about your claim, we can offer you some reassurance that your claim will be handled properly.  Consultations are free and there are never any out-of-pocket fees when you need representation.

Call today at 888.931.COMP (2667) !