Monday, November 14, 2011

1 in 5 LA Businesses Breaking Workers' Comp law.

The Louisiana's Workforce Commission has issued a report finding 1 in 5 LA businesses are likely in violation of Louisiana law.  Critics are quick to complain that following the rules is hard.  At Pollan Dobbs, PLLC we don't find anything hard about playing by the rules.  If you're a Louisiana employer, you can't skip out on obligations because by being too lazy about getting the facts.  Non-compliance can mean fines, a shut-down of business, and even jail time.

At Pollan Dobbs, PLLC, we're serious about handling legitimate Workers' Comp claims for workers and we're serious about making sure employers follow the law.  If you are concerned your employer hasn't handled your claim properly, see us online or call our HOTLINE at 888.931.COMP (2667).