Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Are There Penalties for Denying Legitimate Workers’ Comp Claims?

  • What happens when your employer denies your workers' comp claim?  
  • What happens when workers' comp insurance refuses pay on a claim?
  • What happens when my employer refuses to file my workers' comp claim?
Each state has a different set of rules for protecting workers from just these situations.  Some rules pay the worker extra money as a penalty for this illegal behavior.  In some instances, workers' can be allowed to sue their insurance company directly when they willfully deny a legitimate claim.

If you've been hurt on the job but you're not being paid for your time off work, your mileage, or you medical bills, you may be entitled to extra benefits.  You do not have to suffer with insurance companies that refuse to do their job when you try to heal and get back to yours.  Call our office.  We can discuss your claim and work to get you back  on track.

Call The Workers' Comp HOTLINE: 888.931.COMP (2667)